I don't know if you remember all the trips we took with you. Annually, we would go to visit my parents and we tried to throw in going to the shore once or twice. I remember Washington, DC, and overnights to friends.
What you might not remember is how we "closed up" the house right before leaving. I found over time that there were several things that were especially helpful to ensure safety of our home and belongings while we were gone and made things easier and more welcoming on our return.
- Make sure house care paper and key has been delegated
- Clean up any messages off the phone
- Change message or rings, if desired
- Unplug computer(s) and entertainment center
- Lock garage
- Lock mudroom
- Lock catwalk doors
- Move sliding locks down on basement windows
- Bleach utility room sink and put a little splash in the washer
- Bleach all drains, sinks, shower and toilet
- Shut doors upstairs
- Check windows and lock
- Set thermostat to 65/80 degrees
- Lock front door
- Make sure there are no wets in laundry or basket. If so, lay out flat on utility room floor to dry
- Take out garbage
- Clean out fridge
- Set light on timer
- Spray fabric freshener on upholstery as needed
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