Friday, April 6, 2012

Checklist: How to Make a Cold Go Away


I am sure that once you are out on your own, you will encounter the day when you feel that pesky cold coming on and you absolutely cannot, no-way, no-how, get sick.  Well, since you are finally at an age where you think I might have the answer to this problem, I will tell you.

This comes with a caveat:  you are playing with a one celled organism who is intent on being victorious.  While you are healthy enough that you will win, how effective these methods are will be solely based on the condition of your immune system at the point the wee beastie gets in.  Obviously, if your immune system is weak enough to be succumbing to him that you have some symptoms, you need to take that into account for how fast what I suggest works.  However, what follows has worked very well for me in the past.

  1. Immediately, take a Vitali-C with Body Balance.  The Vitamin C, Zinc, and Pycogenol will work together right away to fortify your immune system.
  2. Take 4 droppersful Colloidal Silver, 10 ppm.  This will go to work on the invading army.
  3. Gargle with 1 T. salt dissolved in 20 ounces very warm water.  Make each gargle last at least 5 seconds.
  4. Take a shower, as hot as you can stand it.  This will remove more foreign invaders that would love to get in since your immune defenses are down. 
  5. If you are able, immediately after the shower soak for 45 minutes in an Herbal Body Wrap tub.  If you don’t have HBW handy, use Epsom Salts, which pale in comparison for effectiveness.  While you are in the tub, sip on 20 ounces of fresh water with a splash of lemon juice.
  6. After getting out of the bath, take another 4 droppersful Colloidal Silver.   If you are going to take meds, now is the time to do that.  I suggest 200 mg ibuprofen with antihistamine (if you can deal with the drowsiness, 1-2 mg of chlorpheniramine maleate—split the 4 mg tablet, if the drowsiness will place you or others in danger, loratidine 10 mg) .  I only suggest the meds if symptoms are keeping you from sleeping, or if it is necessary for your appearance or to keep from being more contagious to others.  (Wiping a runny nose gives you more germs than not having to wipe your nose with your hands.)  However, you should take them with another 20 ounces of water with lemon.  I do not suggest any decongestants.  A cup of caffeinated tea or coffee will do the same thing, and you should be feeling fairly decongested now, anyway.
This checklist should take about one hour to complete.  In addition, you need to do the following:
  • Watch your urine.  If it appears cloudy, be happy.  It is my understanding that this is dead matter and proof that your white blood cells are fighting infection.
  • You should take the Colloidal Silver 3 more times in the rest of time you are awake, in even spacing.
  • Gargle with the diluted salt water for 2 more times today, then morning and night tomorrow.
  • You should take 1 Vitali-C every 6 hours the first day, and 2 tomorrow.  You do not have to wake up to take this.  Go back to 1 Vitali-C per day after the second day.
  • SLEEP!  As soon as you can get to bed, do so.
  • Drink water with lemon or herbal tea throughout the day, preferably with no milk.
  • Avoid sugary foods and all sugar (even fructose from juices!).  This just causes more inflammation. 
  • For the sake of others, do not touch public things or place a barrier between public things and your hands.  For instance, if you are pouring coffee from an office carafe, grab the handle with a paper towel.  Also, wash your hands as much as possible, but use the Colloidal Silver Handwash spray if you’re at risk of chapped hands.  Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers only if no handwashing facilities are available and you have to protect yourself in your weakened condition or if you are putting other immune-compromised individuals at risk.
In 24 hours, you should find that your symptoms have dramatically abated.  Keep up the steps above on day 2 and 3, and you should be back to your wonderful selves by day 4!

A note if you have the flu:

I can count on one hand when all 7 of us were down with the flu or a stomach bug, but when it happened it seemed that we were consistently re-catching it by the time it cycled through all of us.  The virus can mutate by the time it’s gone through all of us, so I kept surroundings especially clean to avoid reinfection.  I did NOT do the following except when we were facing something extraordinary like this (see Specific Things to Keep the Immune System Strong).

Here is what I did to minimize further contamination while we were struggling:
  • Use paper towels after hand washing.
  • Spray the toilets and sinks with a germicide after every use.  I prefer thyme-oil based ones.
  • Spray vomit buckets with germicide after every use.  Better yet, use paper bags and throw directly into the outside waste can.
  • With a paper towel that has disinfectant sprayed on it, wipe down light switches, doorknobs
  • Sleep, sleep, and more sleep!  The more you aren't active, the more your energy can be spent on getting better.
  • Open the windows to ventilate the house for 1 hour per day.  Even if it's winter!  Especially if it's winter.  If you have a forced air system, nothing could be better for it than to get some fresh air cycling through the ventilation.
Specific Things to Keep the Immune System Strong:
  • Colloidal Silver, 10 ppm, 4 droppersful every day
  •  2 droppersful Taheebo tincture, once in the morning, once at night.  I really prefer this over taheebo tea because:   1) it tastes WAY better; 2) it’s not messy; 3) it’s efficient; 4) it’s made from the inner bark, which has the highest concentration of the lapachol.
  • Limit sugar intake, including fruit sugars as juice.  Eating a piece of fruit is fine, but I recommend protein with the fruit when possible.  (A few almonds is a great way to do this.)
  • Wash your hands after using your computer or the phone.  This doesn’t just fight the germs, it removes the BPA from the plastics that come off in minute particles and can be absorbed in your skin.
  • Wipe down your computer keyboard and cell phone once per day.  I use Norwex to avoid chemicals.
  • By all means, live a little.  When you drop food on the floor, pretend there really is a magical 3-second rule.  Purposely drink from another family member’s cup.  Kiss your spouse.  Forget to wash your hands before you eat.  Eat ice cream that someone else ate straight from the container.  Just as your muscles need regular challenges, so does your immune system.

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